Taj Mahal is a Bluesman not a Building

Today’s theme for the Wonders of the World poem is about the Taj Mahal, but I went in the direction of Taj Mahal the bluesman (who grew up in a city not far from me). And I used Zeega to create a digital piece this morning, too.

Peace (in the wonder of the blues),
PS — a little Taj Mahal blues for the morning.


  1. Kevin,
    Can I just say, right now, for the record, that you totally blow me away, every single morning when I read your poems? You not only write an incredible poem every day, but you publish it in some artistic and interesting way, using a technology tool that I have never heard of, but can’t wait to go try, once I finish writing all these dang poems (which I usually do at about 8:00 every night). Every single day, I consider moving to Southampton, just so I could teach next to you and learn some of these, or at least see you using them with kids! You are totally amazing! Thanks so much! Carol

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