Slice of Life: Get Out and Wander Around

(This is for the Slice of Life challenge, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. We write on Tuesdays about the small moments in the larger perspective … or is that the larger perspective in the smaller moments? You write, too.)

I’ve been part of the Write Out project, and although I have in the past spent quite some time at our local National Park Historic Site — the Springfield Armory — mostly the past week, I have been wandering our local neighborhood on foot to pay closer attention to nature.

Yesterday, I started a walk before the summer rains returned. In the early morning, it was downpours for long stretches of time, following on the heels of rain the day before. I wanted to see the river, and boy, was it flowing! I had wanted to get a few more pictures, but the rains drove me home.

After the Rain

Recently, I wandered on foot to the nearby city-protected watershed area. It’s a beautiful place, and I startled a Blue Heron on my walk and then watched it float effortlessly and seemingly with patience right over the reservoir. I didn’t get the heron on camera because I didn’t want to interrupt the moment.

Walking the Watershed

Finally, the nearby bike path is also a protected Greenway Space, so I spent time along there the past few days, too, poking my way off the foot trails.

Mill River Greenway Walk

What have you been seeing in your world?

Learn more about Write Out, a partnership between the National Writing Project and the National Park Service.

Peace (in the world),

  1. That’s wonderful Kevin. I love your walking and pics and places where you were just in the moment. I loved my nature experiences in Cambodia and want more. So much around Nyack as well. I will follow your lead this morning. Heading down to the Hudson soon before the rain gets in the way.

  2. The photos are so beautiful. I believe nature is embedded in our hearts as deeply as our need for expression is. I believe they’re connected. I didn’t know this until I started writing consistently – just one of the many gifts and revelations. One of my six-word memoirs: “Nature speaks to me. I listen.”

  3. Eerie, lovely scenes, Kevin. Thanks for sharing! I also appreciate your reflection about when you chose to pick up your camera versus leave it down for an unmediated moment.

  4. Great pictures. A walk through nature reveals so much. Sometimes snapping a picture isn’t worth the price of disturbing nature’s inhabitants.

  5. I’m so glad to hear about Write Out. I’ll definitely explore this project. Love your pics, especially the reflection of the trees in the watershed.

  6. The gift of nature can be restorative and grounding. All the better when it is within walking distance. Thank you for taking us along on your recent excursions. I feel privileged indeed.

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