The Day in a Sentence continues on its world tour, moving from last week’s comfortable confines in Australia with Anne M. to the shores of Israel, where Bonnie is on her regular sojourn for a few weeks.
Next week, the moon? No. We’ll bring the homesick Day in a Sentence home for a week of rest and relaxation after the visit to Bonnie’s blog this week. All that travel makes the Day a bit worn out, but loving the memories.
And so, without further ado, Bonnie invites you to visit her blog and post your Day in a Sentence for this week, with any kind of vacation-themed writing you may to do. She even encourages the sharing of vacation photos. I decided to use a vacation-style metaphor for how things are going with me. You can feel free to twist the vacation idea any way that seems appropriate for you, of course.
Here is my Day in a Sentence:
While my body feels as if it is in London — all dreary and foggy on the outside of the world — my mind yearns for some little tropical island somewhere that no one else knows about — restful and relaxed from morning until night.
See you on Bonnie’s Blog!
Peace (in connections),
Hi Kevin, thank you for letting me host the day in a sentence last week. It has set off a trigger effect in our own school now. Our year 7 students had to talk about their recent camp in a sentence. This was then published in our school newsletter for the week. When we return from our holidays, the students will put it onto a voicethread as well. I enjoyed the VT idea and it was great to have all those accents. However, I would like to know how you got that mp3 file into your comment and however do I get a photo into my comment. Do I just insert a url from an online photo storage program? Any way thanks again for helping me and letting me be host.