I just came across this very neat site in my RSS Feeder and it seems interesting. It’s called Tilt (or Teachers Improving Learning with Technology) and it features video tutorials on a wide range of tools. I went there and this one popped up first. It has to do with using Powerpoint for multimedia story creations, something I have been working on the last few years.
I am also about to have my students work on hyperlinked poem cycles and I had the morning epiphany that we could use Powerpoint as the platform — for ease of use, ease of sharing and familiarity for my students. (more on this kind of project is coming later in the week, including the huge hyperlinked poem project that I have composed)
Here is the Tilt video:
[kml_flashembed movie="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=4008024170648596903" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /]
There are plenty of other good video tutorials, too, such as:
- Interactive Math Sites
- Using Excel to create a Timeline
- How to Videocast
- Web-based applications
- and more
Peace (in sharing),