Home Movies: The Squop

I blogged a few weeks about the movie that my son was making. Well, I helped him finish it this weekend and it is a hoot. It is all about an imaginary creature called The Squop that first allegedly eats our cat and then our youngest son. He even wrote lyrics to a song based on We Three Kings for his cast of animated Pea Detectives that we all sang.

Meanwhile, we decided to set up a blog for him to showcase the movies he has been making. Check out Crazy Cartoonz.

Peace (on video),

2 thoughts on “Home Movies: The Squop

  1. I just watched this with my four-year-old son, Lucas, and we both really liked it. Lucas said he liked it because “it was funny,” and his favorite part was “when the peas turned into just peas.” I liked the song that Colin wrote and the fact that everybody in the family participated in making the movie. 🙂

  2. This was wonderful. The characters had personality, the action moved at a fast pace, and lots of features of a mystery. I have a small stack of vhs tapes in my basement of my own sons’ past films which have many of the same components.

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