DigiLit Sunday: Tapestry

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My friend, Margaret, hosts a Sunday DigiLit sharing at her blog. She asks us to write about digital writing techniques and tools, so today, I thought I would share out an app that I really like for its simplicity as much as the way a piece of writing can unfold.

It’s called Tapestry, and there is an App and a website. I find myself mostly using the website but I need to explore the App again (as it recently got an upgrade and I am curious). Tapestry works sort of like a series of slides, but you can format text to unfold when a person taps or clicks the screen. So, you hide words and phrases, and let the reader discover the text on their own.

You can add images, too, but I personally like the clean design elements and often keep images to a minimum. Check out Tapestry and let me know how it goes and what you think.

Here is an example that I shared the other day, as I collected haikus from teachers who write with me in the National Writing Project iAnthology space every week:

Peace (in the tap),

  1. LIke it! I reminds me of when I’d use Smartboard work with the kids. I’ll try anything that doesn’t require a large bandwidth. Our school can’t support things like Animoto because of this. Tapestry looks like it would be doable. Thank you!

  2. Thanks for linking up and giving us a new app to try. How do you find these things? I am sending myself the link to try at school. Fingers crossed it works.

  3. Thank you for sharing the example using Tapestry. You always find so many interesting ways to create and share with others. I’m always grateful for the possibilities you share with us.


  4. Thank you, Kevin, for this post, and all your posts, especially these DigiLit Sundays. Thanks to you, I decided to create a Tapestry poem recently as part of my COETAIL homework, and it turned into a poem for a cause: Poet Friends for Life. Here’s my tapestry poem: https://readtapestry.com/s/ru7wiPQsR/
    and here is my blog post about the process:
    I look forward to reading many more DigiLit posts.

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