Firing Up the Daily Connect

#DailyConnect for #CCourses
I was invited into the planning for this idea by friends and fellows in the Connected Courses community, and I could not resist. The idea that emerged from side discussions is to create a Daily Connect, a riff on the DS106 Daily Create, in which folks will be encouraged to make connections.

I set up a simple WordPress blog — The Daily Connector — to get things going. If I had more time (or if Alan wasn’t on the other side of the world and had time on his hands), it would no doubt be fancy-shmancy. But I like simplicity, too.

So, here is the Daily Connect blog site, where we hope to post a single connection idea ever day for October (no promises, folks, but we sure will try). Yesterday’s post was about using the Connected Courses Blog Randomizer and today’s post is about collaborating on a shared poem. Come jump right in.

And if you have an idea for the Daily Connector, please please please share it with us. We’ve set up a Google Form for you to submit an idea. If we run out, we might start raiding other sites, like the band of Information Pirates we really are.

Peace (in the connect),

PS — did I mention we need ideas?