Slice of Life: Are You Listening, Mother Nature?

Every Tuesday, the crew at Two Writing Teachers invites educators and others to write about the small moments of the day. It’s called Slice of Life. You write, too.

grass in snow in april

We shoveled the driveway three times yesterday. That’s a good indication for how much snow fell during an April day when, really, it should have been all sun and flowers. Right? April? Look at that poor tuft of grass from our backyard. It looks confused and out of place. Instead of sun, we had snow, totaling about five to six inches, and a whole day off from school.

The boys, of course, were happy to have an expected long weekend (and we streamed the Star Wars movie, so it wasn’t all bad).

But I see now that our last day of the school year is set on a Friday. If we have any more of these Spring Snow Days, it pushes the final day to the Monday, and that impacts a wobbly balance we chanced on this year when booking an early vacation week up in Maine in late June (normally we go later in the summer but with the oldest son going off to college for the first time in August, we moved our vacation back and then took advantage of the pre-summer-vacation rates. Seemed like a good idea at the time.)

So, now, more snow, please. Are you listening, Mother Nature? It’s me, Kevin.

Peace (in the think),

  1. I hope she is listening. I can’t believe that it is still snowing in April — and enough for you to have a snow day. Sheesh!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that she is through with her silly games.


  2. Hope Mother Nature hears your plea, Kevin.
    I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
    Loved the accompanying photo. You are right. The tuft of grass does look confused!

  3. It is funny isn’t it, that things that other people do, like making plans that rely on school ending on the published date, never work out for us. I hope that the snow is done for the year. I think everyone is ready for it to be gone.

  4. Kevin,
    Had similar things to say to Mother Nature – having experienced that same weather yesterday! You used kinder words!
    Here’s hoping Mother Nature is kind to us all!

  5. Your picture says it all … the sad, sad story.

    Fingers crossed there are no more snow/cold/ice/anything to do with winter days and you can move forward with your summer plans! Spring needs her time … let her stay, Mother Nature.

  6. Mother Nature better not ruin your early summer vacation to Maine. That would be the pits!

    The weather here is just as odd, but not as snowy. We’ve had whooping wind and temps below freezing several times alerady this month.

  7. We have the cold and wind but not as much snow. I do hope you can make that vacation although I would hate for you to find snow there as well!

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