Slice of Life/Day in a Sentence: The Woman in the Woods

(The Slice of Life Challenge in March is hosted by Two Writing Teachers as way to encourage teachers-as-writers. You can join in, if you want. There is also a monthly call for Slices on Tuesdays. You can write then, too)

We came upon her on the path unexpectedly, as she was walking towards us with a soft-skinned hand drum in her right hand and a mallet in her left, quietly but rhythmically pulsating out a beat that riffed off the pace of her steady-walking feet.

Peace (in unexpected places),

  1. Vivid and incredibly intriguing! Just up the street from here is a statue of a woman in the woods… I keep wondering if I can park there at the edge of whomever’s driveway to get a good look and photo…you know there’s a story or poem just screaming to be composed…

  2. I get the feeling of a ghostly protector of ancient burial grounds. This is chilling and captivating and haunting – all the good stuff!!

  3. Talk about an unexpected, but thought-provoking sight! I pictured myself in the same situation, wanting to ask “Why?” but also not wanting to interrupt the purposeful rhythm.

  4. Many questions about this encounter. I am imagining a dense forest with a path covered in pine needles so think that footsteps are silenced and the only sound is the purposeful beat of the mallet on her drum. I want to know more.

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