1. Thanks for sharing this.

    It reminds me of the 1990s when computers and the Internet were just moving into schools across the country. There were three groups of educators.

    1) the early adaptors and innovators – they’ve already embraced AI in the way this video suggests

    2) the follow the leaders, next wave – they will learn from early adaptors and slowly incorporate these ideas

    3) the never me – in those classrooms computers stayed in a box and the Internet was blocked. Kids in those schools were at a huge disadvantage

    We thought group 2 would quickly follow group 1, but learned that the gap was much larger than we thought.

    So, as we look at the potentials and positives of AI, how do we not only bring group 2 along quickly, but how do we also reach kids in group 3 classrooms.

    Inequality in America grows wider when we can’t bridge these gulfs.

    • Some things just loop on and on …. these groups have resonance today, and that’s probably just natural. As for the question of how to reach all kids when something potentially innovative comes around, there is never one answer. It usually takes good leadership at the top, and organizations to support educators who might need an experience themselves to grapple with the experience for the classroom.
      Thanks for sharing your insights, Dan

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