Blogging and Writing: A Stream A Collage An Unfolding

BlogsTyler Weaver, in his newsletter, wrote this passage about blogs (such as this one you are reading) in a way that I thought captured my own sense of why I continue to come to this space, writing and sharing and thinking out loud.

“… blogs work best as a crossroads between a stream and a collage made human by the collision of processings and ruminations through time, simultaneously representative of an individual, fleeting moment and the totality of those moments in a perpetual unfolding … ” – Tyler Weaver

Tyler’s newsletter — MacroParenthicals — is a quirky dive into comics, music, media, writing and other creative strands that he pulls on and looks at with a distinct voice.

Tyler’s piece had me thinking (yet again) of this blogging space, and how my view of it has changed over time. It used to be more of a space that I imagined as “outward” facing — sharing with other bloggers, and being connected into larger blogging networks — but now I see it more as a reflective space, something more “inward” where I am curating my writing and thinking. My audience may be smaller (I may be my only audience) but I still keep the door open for others (you, perhaps?) to peek in and see what I’m up to.

Peace (in the unfolding),

PS — and then later, I found this piece by James Shelley — What’s The Fun In Writing On The Internet Anymore? —  that has an ancillary point about the act of writing on an Internet full of AI bots and algorithms:

Write here because ideas matter, not authorship. Write here because the more robots, pirates, and single-minded trolls swallow up cyberspace, the more we need independent writing in order to think new thoughts in the future — even if your words are getting dished up and plated by an algorithm.

Those who write — those who add ideas instead of paraphrasing and regurgitating them — inform the lexicology and mental corpus of how we think in the future. Indeed, the point isn’t “being an author,” but contributing one’s perspective, even if one’s personal identity is silenced, erased, and anonymized along the way.

– James Shelley

  1. The crush of time on teachers often prevents collaboration, sharing and ultimately connection. Take as an example Ethical ELA. I am not a known quantity there as you are, but I don’t seem to get much commentary there. As Steven Pressfield has remarked: nobody wants to read your shit.

    ““When you understand that nobody wants to read your shit, you develop empathy. You acquire the skill that is indispensable to all artists and entrepreneurs—the ability to switch back and forth in your imagination from your own point of view as writer/painter/seller to the point of view of your reader/gallery-goer/customer. You learn to ask yourself with ev­ery sentence and every phrase: Is this interesting? Is it fun or challenging or inventive? Am I giving the reader enough? Is she bored? Is she following where I want to lead her?”

    People (and I mean me, too) do not make blogs and blogging as part of the regular. I think it can be said, more stongly, that nobody wants to read anymore. We have had our Gutenberg Pause, now back to images and sound and the rest…except for text.

    Even people who know how important it is to connect, do not. I am talking NWP here.

    Some might argue that I am a hypocrite, that I should respond more if I want more. I can tell you right now, except for you, I get noone’s close reading scrutiny. Hence, my adoption of AI as a writing partner.

    What Pressfield is arguing for needs to be noted as well: we need to practice the kind of writing empathy where we, as Elmore Leonard remarked in his ten rules for good writing ( Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip.

  2. This is the prob for me. I tried to write a thoughtful comment, hoping I might get a response. Not blaming you. Just observing. Too many beacons in the night not enough for contrast.

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