Slice of Life: Looking at Trees

(This is for the Slice of Life challenge for March, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. We are writing each day about the small moments in the larger perspective … or is that the larger perspective in the smaller moments? You write, too.)

sol16My youngest son asked if he could invite some friends over to go play in the neighborhood woods. Of course, we said yes, and I was tasked with being the ‘adult nearby’ during the nearly three hours they played Capture the Flag, and then Manhunt, and then various forms of Hide and Seek.

Three hours of fresh air in their lungs on a sort of cold day and lots of running and playing. Their clothes were all muddy when they were done. Not that they cared.

My dog was my companion, and as the kids were playing and needing no help from me (and I purposely kept myself aloof from their planning and playing), I started to notice the trees.

I dug out my phone camera and began to take shots of the various trees, moving closely in to get textures and slight colors, and I love how this collage captures the variety of tree trunks I examined.


Peace (in the observation),

  1. So cool. That would make a great study for my students to write about. I’d like to share it with them if that’s okay.

  2. Yesterday was perfect for spending time in the woods. I love that you turned your attention to the trees, then noticed so many different textures of bark. The collage you created to share with is gorgeous.

  3. Oh, I love this post! The photography is so wonderful, and for me there is nothing better than walking in the woods with my dogs or family and friends. I took long walks in the Pocono Mts. with my grandfather. I think I may write about that tomorrow. You have inspired me!

  4. Trees have always been a symbol of strength for me. Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Happy Writing!

  5. This is awesome – I’m about to venture out with my kids… and I think I’ll bring my camera to take some observation pics myself. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Paying attention to detail is such an important part of … writing, photography, video, singing, er… anything.

    Thanks for this.


  7. Do you live near the woods? How wonderful. Isn’t it interesting how there is always something to zoom in on wherever you are, and when you share it with people online, it makes their day. Don’t miss sharing the small stuff! I think it’s because you ‘see’ that you have so much to share.

  8. Your post makes me think of having a great conversation over coffee. The photos triggered a precious memory for me. My mother had Alzheimers and one night when we went walking. She stopped at a tree and examined the bark, really looking at it and feeling the texture. Her eyes lit up and she just smiled

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