Day in A Sentence/Comment Challenge Reflection

Since I have been blog-deep in the 31-Day Comment Challenge — visiting sites and engaging in discussions — I think it only fitting that this week’s call for Days in a Sentence go out to not only the DayinS faithful but also any folks moving through here as part of the Comment Challenge. After all, the sentence is a comment. (And my reflections on my commenting activities is down below)

Here is how Day in a Sentence works:

  • You reflect on your week or a day in your week
  • You boil it all down to a single sentence
  • You use the comment feature on this post to share your sentence
  • On Sunday, I gather them all up, write some quick introductions and share out as a community of writing/reflecting educators (and associates)

Please consider this your invitation to take part in Day in a Sentence and feel free to read through some of our archives to get a sense of the richness of the sharing that can take place. The Day in a Sentence also regularly heads off to guest blogs, so if you are interested in taking the helms one week, just let me know.

Here is my sentence and you can listen to the podcast version:

From the Goo Goo Dolls to Green Day to the Sofa Kings and my own song with a missing verse, my classroom was a rockin’, songwritin’, dancin’ kind of place this week, and Jack Black would have been proud.

Peace (in words),

PS — Today’s activity for the Comment Challenge is to consider some lessons learned by the act of expanding our commenting activities.

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Here are some of my reflections:

  • It turns out that I love Co-Comment as a way to track comments. I now realize just how much I have been missing in conversations. I am able to follow the comments of others, add my own thoughts, come back and see what has been added. It no longer feels like a paintball tournament, where everyone is just shooting scatter-shot into the wind. I am not so fond of the ads, as I have stated before, but I can live with it for now. I love that Co-Comment gives me a little indicator at the bottom of my browser when a blog post where I have already commented has been updated. That is a lifesaver.
  • I am coming to understand more and more how many different circles of bloggers there are out there, and it is cool to see them periodically overlap (through events like the Comment Challenge). We all have our friends but it is so intriguing to stumble into a network of others and realize they have been at it, too, and now there are some cross-connections taking place. It’s not that I felt as if me and the blogs I follow were the only ones, but still, it is eye-opening to find other groups of people engaged in similar conversations. I had this same experience one day when I came across The Two Writing Teachers site and realized what great work they were doing and how they were also building a sense of a writing community outside of my traditional radar. How many other communities of teacher-writers are out there, I wonder?
  • It occurs to me that we are all so lucky that there are so many people willing to give their time for projects such as these. I look at the Comment Challenge Wiki, and I know there is a group of wonderful people involved in this, keeping the project moving along and thinking and reflecting upon it, and encouraging others to do the same. Just think what a gift that is. The webbed world could have easily been different (and could still take a turn, I suppose). It is a place where people share, collaborate and support each other. I am grateful for the organizers of Comment Challenge and I realize how remiss I have been in mentioning who they are. So, without further ado, I send out some personal kudos to the organizers of the Comment Challenge:
  1. Thanks for the kudos, Kevin–Sue and I connected through the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog challenge we did last August, and just like with that challenge, we’re finding so many new connections and ideas in this one. There really ARE a lot of people out there for us to connect to and so many amazing ideas. It’s one of the best parts about blogging, I think.

  2. I totally agree Kevin, as I speak about my blogging life now, the CHALLENGES seem to give the web 2.0 and its social networking even more weight. I’m wondering, if there’s a way to encourage the BOILERS to leave a comment after they read the sentences on Sunday, some way of encouraging a comment/reflection/conversation about the experience, the sentences…anything, or maybe this is too much. Just a thought/question inspired by the Comment Challenge.

  3. I wasn’t sure if I was going to do the challenge because I thought I was pretty good at commenting. But already I have been challenged about how I write and have become a lot more considering of what I write on my blog and how I answer comments. Will be interetsing to see how the next few days go. cheers Sarah

  4. I just registered at cocomment; it’s a great idea. I’ve always liked the idea of carrying on “conversations,” and some blogs (like yours) make it easier by allowing you to be notified of follow-up comments. But too often, I may bookmark a thread with the intention of going back, and instead the page gets lost in all my bookmarks. So this will be great! Now if they could just do something about the other factors hindering my commenting: the can’t-hardly-get-done-what-must-be-done factor, the soooo-tired factor, the nobody-else-is-commenting factor, etc., etc. 😉

  5. Glad you are giving it a try.
    I am always glad to have you here at the blog, and as part of Day in a Sentence (will you do it this week?)
    The other factors? Ahhh. Those are just life as it happens.


  6. Thursday I had a wonderful phone call from a principal who invited me to come bring him and his teachers on board with Web 2.0…even wants to get set up in Twitter….made my week (along with the Comment Challenge:-)

  7. Thanks for the kind words, Kevin! I’m also amazed at how much I’ve been missing in my commenting “conversations.” I’ve been using coComment for a while now, but never really got in the habit of going back to check on how the conversation had progressed (um, duh, Kim, that’s kind of the point). But, now that I have a reason and a focus, I’m finding the sense of community and connections so much more dynamic and empowering. I always wondered how certain people (ahem, Sue Waters) were able to comment on comments and facilitate discussion on other people’s blogs so effectively – now I know! Now I just need to make sure that these experiences become routine in my blogging habits.

  8. Kia Ora Kevin!

    Thanks for the link to this post. I am intrigued with your Day-In-A-Sentence. I write haiku when the mood grabs me. I guess it’s not unlike the sort of brain gymnastics that is required to do that.

    Nice that you gave the guru’s a pat on the back – I think they deserve it too.

    Ka kite

  9. Hi Kim
    I am finding that this month is forcing me to make sure I do go and follow the threads where I have been. I have had to budget some more time, but it is worth it. I feel much more engaged in a variety of conversations that have me thinking and reflecting on a range of issues.

    Hola Ken
    I hope you might come back and join us in Day in a Sentence this week. The door is open. Look for a post calling for words in the next day or two (and anyone else who is out there can join in, too)


  10. Engaged! Yes! That’s the word I should have used! Look at me back here checking up on your comment to my comment! I never would have made the effort to do this before, yet what you’ve said has perfectly encapsulated what I was trying to say… This is the kind of quality dialog I want to have all the time!

  11. Kia Ora Kevin – Well count me in. But, hey, you’ll need to give me a few tips boss. What’s the guts wdda post thing. I didn’t know a post was involved Mate! Gee, you guys out there – sheeeeeesh!

  12. Ken
    I put you on my email notification list for Day in a Sentence.
    Essentially, I create a post (or a guest host posts), asking for a sentence or some other style of writing.
    You boil your day or week down.
    Share it as a comment on the blog post.
    Then, the host gathers them all up and re-posts them together on the weekend.
    Simple, right?

    Glad to have you on board.

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