The Release of the Days

As I began to gather up this week’s Days in a Sentence, I realized that I had not written my own (which I usually do with my call for words). So, here is my Day in a Sentence:

I’m seeing the world in frames and punchlines this week as I develop and continue to tweek my new comic strip adventure about teaching, technology and kids in a digital age.

And without further ado, here are your words:

My friend, George, with whom I have followed on a few projects (including the Darfur and the Space initiatives), shares not only a sentence, but also a picture as he writes, “Taking care of Marisa’s brain-injured father.” — See the picture (our thoughts are with you and your family, George)

Janice went looking for books, but found a few empty spaces on the shelves. It must have been those library elves again. “My (voluntarily undertaken) paperback fiction inventory is almost complete and depressingly, hundreds of books are missing from the middle school library collection of the school I start working at in September.”

Bonnie had another jam-packed week of teaching and family, and still, she finds a way to balance it all with joyfulness. The sun always shines on Bonnie. “We officially ended the third week of our Summer Institute with flowers, stipend checks and the sun and I begin a weekend of family celebration: our first wedding from the next generation and the sun is still shining.”

Mike is digging deep into video editing (always a fun but slow process, in my opinion) and at least thinking of getting into shape. Or maybe he already is in shape. That’s the problem with virtual community — I can’t see him. 🙂  “Most of my week was spent editing a wedding video that I shot last week, and I also bought a new weight set off Craigslist, which is pretty fun.”

Michaele is back in the classroom this week. She wrote down her sentence in the short time when kids were going home for lunch. As you see, she has some mixed emotions about her new position. “Returning to the classroom this week after a one-year hiatus has been fulfilling, social, busy, and deeply reflective due to my employment circumstances: I’m replacing a teacher whose husband was killed in the war overseas last spring.” (Good luck — we are sure you will do great)

sara smiles (cue music from hall & oates). i can tell. she writes, “i love summer, when my greatest concern is balancing out the wicked farmer’s tan i’m getting from my nursery job!” (sara is determined to keep everything lower case in her online persona, so i am following her suit here)

Gail D. continues her various quests for knowledge and new ideas and now she returns back home to reflect on the experience. “I’m back home in California after an amazing two weeks in New York City, during which most days included a stroll through Strawberry Fields – Imagine!

I think I saw Jenny yawn. Time to pull the shades and take that cat nap. “Not enough hours in the day; I need at least 8 hrs more to get that much needed sleep.

Amy sees some light and some clearance. Possibly.  She certainly gets more than the allotted sentence. “The sun breaks though the clouds as my master’s project nears completion. –Maybe. My project advisor approved the project, but after a brief look my grad advisor thinks it needs more writing. Hopefully, she will change her mind before my committee meeting next week. ;-)

Nina poses the question that has long plagued the minds of every teacher everywhere. “Back to work a week from today–why is it that no matter how long one’s vacation is, it is never long enough???

Tina teaches, but she also golfs, and she is great at both. “I didn’t win the Club Championship, but had way too much fun trying — and celebrating afterwards with my pals!

Jane provided me with plenty of purposeful alliteration and, bonus, she created a comic for her Day in a Sentence (see it over at her blog). “The Petal Pounding Presentation at the Garden Walk proved to be a great success as all the people proclaimed that the petals they pounded provided the perfect past time.

Lynn is overseas, in England, taking pictures and breathing in the history. “10-day AP Lit tour of England concludes—Alas. 700 pix to sort—egads. London, Canterbury, Bath, Oxford, Stratford, Howarth, and Lake Country. Students were great, guide—delightful. Pace just challenging enough. Will post Flickr links when pictures are sorted and duds removed.

Vacation is almost a memory for Karen. Sorry about that. “One more week visiting family out of state, then one more week of summer vacation; where did it go?

Mother Nature reared her beautiful head for Delaine. And for us, too, in New England. “After days of gloomy overcast, the sun finally made an appearance this morning, although slowly, over the Bay Bridge.

I want to welcome Gail P., who teaches kindergarten at my school and who submits her sentence for the first time (but hopefully, not the last). As always, her focus is on kids. “The four year old twin boys are bouncing, racing, riding, laughing, sneaking, sometimes whining, and often testing their old aunt as we freewheel our way through the adventures of summer.

Rick revels in the sun and in being with the energetic kids of his clan. “The best day of summer was filled with playing whiffle ball, running through the sprinkler, and stepping on each other’s shadows. Grandkids keep me young.

Susan has been thinking and writing about “power” these days. “Reflecting on my work last week, I can’t stop thinking about the barriers schools put up between secondary teachers by separating content areas in a system of hierarchy; when we’re battling each other for power there’s little time or energy left for collaboration and change.” She invites you to add your thoughts to this discussion over at her blog.

And Stacey, who will be our guest host this coming week, has been knee-deep in planning a session for the fall conference. “I’m ready to spend hours working hard, and having fun, with Ruth preparing for NCTE.

Thanks to everyone who submitted a sentence this week and thanks to those of you who are just reading the words and thinking, I should do that, too. You should. And you are welcome with open arms to participate in this Day in a Sentence.

Peace (in community),

  1. Oops! I’m late again — not enough time to unpack, unwind, and put it all into words. . . But here it is; late is better than nonexistent, I suppose:

    This year’s anniversary trip to NYC was amazing: strolling through Central Park’s castle and gardens; soaking up the peace of St. Bart’s, St. Patrick’s, and St. John’s cathedrals; eating the best fried rice ever at Chinatown’s Shanghai Cafe; putting on a 2-1/2-hour concert for the homeless, pigeons, and assorted locals and tourists of Washington Square; staying up for Chelsea Cinemas’ late-night digital “Dark Knight”; being utterly mesmerized by “Wicked” at the Gershwin; and being able to experience it all with my best-friend-slash-soulmate-slash-husband. =)

  2. Thanks for these, Kevin. I tried to do a blog tour of all who participated this week leaving a comment behind where I could. Made it through about 3/4, breaking my new rules for the amount of time I get sucked into this blog world. I stumbled upon lots of great things, though. Enjoy, Susan

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