Day in Alliteration

So, I am adding another twist to Day in a Sentence with Day in Alliteration. Your task: Reflect (of course) and thenwrite a Day in a Sentence in the comment section of this post using some sort of alliteration (a series of words with the same starting sound).

Here is mine:

I’m trying to quell the competitive craziness of Quidditch with my kids even as we keep on track with our class curriculum.

What about you?

Peace (in posts),

PS — Want to know about our game of Quidditch? Here is a video documentary of our game:

3 thoughts on “Day in Alliteration

  1. Another week has gone, never boring but better yet as beautiful beaches beckon with holidays beyond. (Going to Cairns, tropical Queensland for one week’s holiday)

  2. Thanks for sharing! My husband’s a phys. ed teacher and I’m going to be sure to share the video with him.
    It seems like a really fun adaptation. Do you have the rules written down somewhere?

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