We held our first Technology Community of Practice meeting yesterday afternoon and although we did not get far with our long list of topics (everything from upgrading old software to discussing whether we begin to move from Macs/PCs to Netbooks and iTouches), it was a good beginning for a group of us who want to move technology forward at our school — for both teachers and for students.
So, we are trying to come up with a Technology Bill of Rights for our school — a sort of guiding document for using technology and equipment for both teachers and students.
We are now on our own closed Ning network as a team, starting these discussions both in person and online.
I wonder: What would YOU put into a school-based Technology Bill of Rights?
Here is what I came up with a brainstorm:
All students should have access to all technology. Make it a level playing field for everyone, regardless of socio-economic status.
Plug ’em back in! (for the next person)
If you break it or if you think you’ve broken it, own up to it and tell someone who might know how to fix it.Don’t be afraid of the technology.
When I put out a query on Twitter, I got a few responses:
The right to keep and bear cell phones, iPods, and other personal tools for information access. — rrmurry
Everyone has the right to a safe environment. – 81teacher
One of my colleagues in our group gave us this quote to think about:
“Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.” Thomas Jefferson, 1823
Do you have a suggestion for us as we develop our Technology Bill of Rights? I would love to know what you think.
Peace (in the tech),
I’d go with something along the lines of:
Every member of this learning community has the right to use technologies in ways that promote learning.
Everyone has a right to expect that other members of this learning community will use technologies in ways that support everyone’s learning.
This isn’t worded well, but I’m trying to get at the idea that everybody has a right to participate without fear of bullying, silencing, or being ignored.