Slice of Life: The #Nerdlution Ends (for now)

(This is a piece for Slice of Life with Two Writing Teachers).

As soon as I hit the submit button with a comment for Maureen’s blog post about deep learning, I sat back and thought, Fifty Days. If anyone else were in the room, I would have high-fived them. As it was, the dog was looking at me funny, with a tilted head, but he just wanted to get fed. He didn’t realize that the Nerdlution project, which began back in early December, was officially over. I had spent 50 days visiting 50 blogs, leaving 50 comments (one comment per day, although the reality was that once I started the routine, the habit took over and I tried to leave more here and there).

I’m one of those people who can’t quite let go of a project, so even though I know more than a few friends were not able to stick with it for a full 50 days (which seemed like a lot at the start and still seems like a lot at the end), I kept at it. It became a part of how I started my morning, looking for blog posts (ideally, via the #nerdlution hashtag but those started to run out on me, so I turned to related projects as blogs to read).

My aim was to visit blogs that I don’t normally visit, and engage in a conversation with other teachers. I did leave comments but I have not had time to go back and see where those breadcrumbs of words have gone. In fact, early on, I began to worry about this — how would I backtrack? So, I began with a Diigo bookmarking group, and then started to think about how to visually capture my 50 paths to 50 blogs.

I’ve always wanted to give Symbaloo a try, so that’s what I did. I set up a site, and began adding tiles every day as I left a comment.

Check it out:

My goal now is to begin a trail backwards through the blogs that I visited through the Nerdlution, and see what happened to my words and maybe keep the conversations going and flowing. I’d rather it not be a one-shot deal. I’d like to have conversations, and for all the hoopla over the power of blogging, that’s more difficult than it seems because keeping track of comments it not seamless, no matter how you do it (email updates, etc.)

I’m happy the Nerdlution took place and I am a little relieved that it is over, as I move into a few other projects.

Peace (in the goal),

  1. I thought it was getting close to counting days for Nerdlution. I’ve got another week or so since I started late, but I have exercised every day!

    I always love learning about new technology from your blog. I’m adding Symbaloo to my list of things to explore on this snow day.

  2. Annie and I so enjoyed connecting with you on our blog. Thanks for taking on this goal. Your goal of visiting other blogs has caused me to think about connecting with other educators through their blogs. So that’s awesome. Are you considering another #nerdlution goal for round 2? I’ve been mulling some things around in my head, (service, reading, food…) but haven’t nailed anything down. I’ll be checking out your Symballoo later.

  3. Man, I love the way your mind works! Not only did you choose a realizable goal for #nerdlution (mine was too big) you anticipated a problem and found a way you might overcome that problem. AND you used new technology (perfect) to do that organization. This is also a great tool for others! In fact I could use this with some teacher friends of mine that I’m trying to encourage to start blogging. Bravo Kevin. Love this.

  4. Damn, you’re always thinking. Brilliant, just brilliant. Now what? What comes next?

    I failed miserable at my Nerdlution. I can trace my failure straight back to my goal-setting. Dumb goal = failure.

  5. I loved your goal and think it’s great you kept track of it the way you did through Symbaloo. Like a couple commenters above, I failed miserably. I like what Dana said – Dumb goal=failure. Yep. That’s what happened to me. You, on the other hand, kept lots of people going. I can imagine you’re glad it’s over and you can move on to other things! Looking forward to what’s next for you!

  6. I always come here to get inspired about technology, Kevin. Yet again, I leave with something new I can try. Symbaloo. Thanks, as always, for the inspiration!

  7. I love seeing my blog on your symbalo. Love the idea and I immediately went to join in on that. Now I have to use it.
    Bravo for your #nerdultion success! Now what? DLMOOC?

    I can’t say I got too far with nerdlution or Kim’s photo challenge.
    I am in DLMOOC. Like that and I my OLW could work because I tied it to my new love of swimming…

    Hey our iA reboot seems to have a new life don’t you think?
    Off to the showers and the pool 🙂

  8. Great goal and a wonderful way to keep track of your goal! I should try symbaloo to track blogs that I like to read regularly. I discovered something new today.

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