Here We Go … Starting Up Slice of Life

sol15 icon

It’s March. For me and my blog (hello, old friend), that means dipping back into the Slice of Life Challenge, where each and every day throughout the month, a whole bunch of folks aim to write a bit, share a bit, and connect a bit.  (On Twitter, we use the #sol15 hashtag, just so you know.)

The whole shebang (love that word) is coordinated by the folks at Two Writing Teachers (more than two now, but hey … who’s counting heads?). I do try to do things different each year (this may be my seventh or eighth year of Slice of Life), so I am considering making myself a little calendar for different types of media for Slice of Life. I guess I should have put that into place before the challenge actually began but …. here I am, writing my first slice.

And making a comic …. one or two of my days will be comics.

sol15 comic

What’s your slice? Come join the Slice of Life Challenge. Even if you don’t write every day in March, get writing. Connect.

Peace (in the slice),

  1. Kevin, I love seeing all of the different tools you try and test and perfect. So many different ways to share a story! You’re the Leonardo digital-Vinci of education.

    Looking forward to learning from your model this month.

  2. Happy March, Kevin! I look forward to checking in with your blog over the course of the challenge. Isn’t it almost Quidditch time at your school?
    — Stacie

    • Stacie
      It is always great to hear from you in March. Yes, Quidditch is almost upon us (although it almost did not happen this year … maybe I will explain in slice one day). How are your graphic stories coming along?

  3. I’m so glad you’re here! I always get a lot from your posts. You think so differently from me and it always changes my perspective and pushes me to write from the new one. Thank you for that.

    I adore the comic and that format. I need to find ways for my students (2nd graders) to use comic format…we use boxes on paper, but I bet they’d adore it electronically.

  4. We can make a plan at any point of the challenge not only in advance, and we can change our plans at any time. Your idea to use different media adds a new dimension to the challenge. I really hope I will stress less and enjoy the challenge more than the first years (this is my fifth.) Thank you for joining my game today.

  5. I do enjoy watching you tinker with different tools. I enjoy stopping by here often. It’s quiet here this morning, I was planning too!

  6. Kevin,
    Thank you for sharing the idea of a planning calendar! You are always so creative with your posts. I appreciate learning from you every time you slice!

  7. Kevin, Enjoyed the comic. Seeing it pushes me to reconsider that my slice of life postings need not always be written text alone. I too decided to take this challenge. Look forward to reading more from you.

  8. Well, how fun is that?! I love your unique approach to writing. I look forward to stopping by throughout the month of March to see what you’re up to!

  9. Every year I look forward to reading your blog. Your creativity and your technological savey inspires me. Thank you.

  10. Kevin, it is always a pleasure to reconnect with you. It’s like catching with an old friend who has so many new things to share. I look forward to meandering through your magical thoughts and ideas across the course of a March time.

  11. Ahh, nice to back here every day 🙂 and BTW this is year 8 for you. You brought me into the first tiny group… remember. Around 15!
    Love your start and thanks for the retweet to kick off!

  12. Your posts make me smile. I love the “ta da” feel of this one. Thanks for reminding us to think different.

  13. Your creativity and your sense of humor never ceases to amaze me! As I have said many times before, I wish I taught next door to you, first because I know we’d laugh a lot and then because I would learn to use some of these tools!

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