Slice of Life: Writing Kanye

(This is part of Slice of Life, a daily writing challenge throughout March — and every Tuesday during the year — facilitated by the team at Two Writing Teachers. You write, too.)

Yesterday, my youngest son wrote a two-sides handwritten letter to Kanye West. He would not let me read it, other than with a quick glance, and then he asked me to help with the formatting of the envelope (I guess he was never really taught that in school or at home). He went online and found Kanye West’s fan mail address in New York City, or maybe it is the address of the publicist, and promptly went out to the mailbox.

“Does the mail come on Sunday?”


“How about Monday?



We did have a discussion, or reality check, about the possibility that Kanye West may never get his letter, will read his letter and will respond. I felt like Daddy Downer by bringing the reality into the mix. Still, I wanted him to understand how the world of Pop Stars work. He seemed to accept the slim chances of it all happening, but he was proud of his writing and began bragging to his older brothers “that I wrote a letter to Kanye West.”

The letter is more than fan mail, though. My son is in the midst of producing a movie with his friends and they want to use one of Kanye’s songs during a chase scene. The letter follows a few long conversations about copyright infringement and permission from an artist, and my own push “to make your own music for your own movie.” They want Kanye. And now, he sent the letter, asking permission, just as I talked about with him.

Ye, if you read this blog (ha), and find a letter written in 10-year-old handwriting, give it a read, why don’t you, and if you find it in your heart, send us a few lines via the post about whether he can use your song. Thanks.

Peace (in the mail),

  1. I love this and hope Mr. West sees this, or the letter, and gives your son permission to use the song. There is still something quite magical about postal mail for me. I feel a little nostalgic for it and wish my kids had more experience with sending and receiving things through the mail.

    • It’s a more tactile experience, right? The act of writing on paper — I almost said he should type it up but his handwriting says as much about his request as his words.

  2. I hope the letter is received. Isn’t it interesting that so many children do not know how to address an envelope. I know I taught it to both students and my own kids. And it seems to not stick. I am afraid that letter writing is becoming a lost art form.

  3. Here’s hoping that Kanye gets back to your son…good for him that he listened to you and followed the process. You’ll probably hear “is the mail here yet?” for days to come….

  4. What a good dad you are. I hope Kanye receives the letter and responds back to your son and his friends. Hope you’ll share the movie when it’s completed too. 🙂

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