Digital Poetry: The Start of a Draft

I’ve been writing a place-based poem along with my students. It’s still in progress but in the spirit of Digital Poetry month, I thought it might be interesting to share out what the draft looks like. It’s a mess, as my drafts always are.

Poem draft 1

I took an image of the draft and then used an app to mess with the look of it, with some reverse imaging. It’s interesting how the visual impacts the feel of the writing. The poem seemed to get darker for me as I looked at it this way, the scribbles and lines more ominous.

Poem draft

My aim is to work on the poem over the next few days, thinking of how the digital aspect might inform or play into the act of writing poetry. A bunch of us are sharing digital poetry via Twitter with the hashtag #digipoetry. You are invited, too, of course.

Peace (in the emerging poem of place),

  1. Even though the words are the same, the two images give different feelings from looking at them. I always enjoy the glimpses you give into your writing process.

  2. I need to think about this. What makes it a digipoem? Is it just the image or how the writing is changed using a digital tool?

    How are the place poems organized? Is there a structure or is it just write a poem about a place? I think I want to try.

    As always, you inspire me to experiment.

    • Good/great questions and worth exploring … how does technology impact the way we write … Pencil/paper is technology just not digital technology …
      As for the poems, I gave students complete freedom. I find that many students are turned off on writing poetry because the “rules” of writing poetry have been hammered into their heads. I try to shift it into a love of words and phrases, and with the concept of playing with poetry, so along with a few formatted styles, we go freestyle, baby.

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