Slice of Life/SmallPoems Day 13 (passing tracks)

(I am participating in the March Slice of Life challenge via the Two Writing Teachers site.  Slice of Life is the idea of noticing the small moments. I have been a participant for many years and each year, I wonder if I will have the energy to write every day. This year, I am going to try to coincide it with my daily poetry writing, and intend to compose small poems on small moments. We’ll see how it goes …)

Day Thirteen

I hear it –
your chords
your melody
your beat

I’m in it –
my synth
my voice,

We’re together –
building on
what you’d

Our song
father and

Listen to the track we made

Peace (sounds like love),

4 thoughts on “Slice of Life/SmallPoems Day 13 (passing tracks)

  1. Kevin, not only do you bring a small poem today but a wonderful, springy song on a dark, dreary day. Father and son collaboration opens my day. I see that your son is following in your footsteps-muiscally.

  2. Kevin, a can heat and feel the beat of this poem, which takes me to some of my favorite classic poems. I’m inspired to write a poem for my youngest son whose birthday is next month. Lovely.

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