Slice of Life: Scenes From The Storm

Other communities west of us, and higher elevation than us, got hit much harder and many people lost power, so we counted ourselves lucky, but the Nor’easter that slammed in here yesterday with a wallop still dropped a good amount of very heavy snow where I live.

I took our dog to the nearby school so she could run around and get some energy out, and took some images that capture a deserted school on a winter day.

The Buddy Bench, in particular, caught my eye, with the ways the lettering lets us see through to the scene behind the bench.

Buddy Bench

And the rest:

Jungle Gym
Tire Swing
Water Faucet

Peace (and snow),

  1. Oh my! What a scene! You did get some snow, and honestly this is the kind of winter I’d rather have. As cold as it gets where we live, I’d rather have some snow to keep us home if it’s going to be this cold. Because I’d rather stay in sweats and read by the fire all day and drink coffee and lounge with dogs than you know, put on actual clothes and drive in to work.

  2. Ooh, that is a LOT of snow.
    Whenever we in Vancouver get a dump of snow like that it paralyzes our city. I hope your community is better equipped for snowy weather than we are.

  3. Kevin, beautiful photos. I had heard about that nor’easter coming because Maureen (TWT participant) had to hightail it out of Connecticut early to avoid getting socked in. I guess it surprises me that there weren’t any other dogs or people out walking and playing. You captured some great images.

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