Collecting Their Dreams

I wanted to share the Dream Scenes that my students have been creating in the first days of school this year, using PhotoStory and MS Paint to capture their voice and vision for themselves. (They have loved this project, much more than when we did the paper version — they have been so fully engaged in what they are doing).

I used the new Edublogs TV as host of the video, since it now integrates pretty nicely with regular Edublogs and has not advertising or outside questionable links.

Here is the video:

This text will be replaced

Oh, you can see my dream at the very end of the video.

Peace (in dreams),

  1. Thanks for sharing. It was neat to hear about the diverse goals of the students in your class. Collectively, I think they hit almost every one of the multiple intelligences! It will be really neat, when they achieve those goals, for them to be able to look back on the old 2008/9 website, and see that even then, it was something they wanted to accomplish.
    I love photostory too, but unfortunately, my board blocks the use of it, so it’s not an option for me to use with my class. Wish I could though!

  2. I thought that was wonderful! I am getting ready to a do a Voicethread project with my kids and now you have me motivated to do this as well! I really enjoyed it!

  3. Great way to start the year! So you used Edublogs TV. Is that in place of You tuve etc? Can you download voice overs there as well directly? Did you consider Voice Thread for this? Did you scan in their drawings?
    Lots of tech questions, but the heart of this really moves the written word way beyond the page to this digital world we are so committed to. I hope the next President will see the point.

  4. Hey Bonnie

    I am not quite ready for VoiceThread, but I would like to try it soon with my students.
    We did not scan, but used MS Paint and then imported into PhotoStory.
    I think Edublogs TV is a good alt to YouTube — no inappropriate links to inappropriate (albiet funny) videos. But there is a limit on the size of the video at Edublogs.

    There are four more student movies to be added into this mix and then we’ll be done.


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