Visually Piclit-ed Days, Released

(I created this week’s sharing using PicLits)

Here are this week’s contributions to Day in a Sentence. I want to note that we have a bunch of new people contributing and that is wonderful. Thank you and I hope you spend some time wandering through your links (Maybe it is time to do another Jog the Web one of these weeks):

Stacey is writing again. She’s always writing. And she is a terrific writer, so that of course makes sense. And then add in that her website is The Two Writing Teachers, well, then, it comes as little surprise that she, ahem, writes:

Gail P. says what was on my mind. It is almost as if we work together. (pssst. We do — on far ends of the building).

Writing is on Susan’s mind, too, and her sentence is deep and rich.

Glenn, my comic/graphic virtual mentor from across the country, has an exciting appointment this week. (Krugman is an award-winning economist — I suggested that Glenn ask him about investing in education, particularly science, math and technology)


The colors of the world … ack. I hope the reinstall went well, David.

Fred is new to Day in a Sentence (welcome, Fred and be sure to visit Fred’s relatively new blog — he offers a nice take on Malcolm Gladwell’s article on identifying teachers) and he delivers a wonderful reflection on the week in which balance is a key to sanity.

Josh is also new to Day in a Sentence (if memory serves me, which it doesn’t always do) and he notes an unexpected twist to one of his meetings.

Mary Lee sends her regrets that she didn’t try out the Voicethread from last week (It’s OK, Mary Lee — sometimes, I throw out tools that people can try if they have time or inclination, and I am just happy to have you back here this week). For Mary Lee, the snow was a good thing.

Tom, also new to Day in a Sentence and a thoughtful new member in the Western Mass Writing Project technology team, offers up about exploration and integration of technology.

Mary (also new this week but see my note above about memory) wants to read … blogs. Unfortunately, the other things in life keep clogging up her plate.

sara … sara .. sara … thank you sara for making me laugh just about every time you add your thoughts here. it reminds me of why we became friends so many years ago in the summer institute for the writing project. and now, i can’t stop writing in lower-case letters …

Wait a second. Matt had his refrigerator right in his living room and now he is moving it back! Matt, are you nuts? You could just reach over, grab a snack and watch the incredible movies that you make. No need to move or anything. OK, I get it: renovations are ending and the home may get back to normal, right? (I’ve been there, done that, and I know how you are feeling to have some semblance of order on the horizon)

Lynn J. saw me posting on Twitter about using Piclits, so she did one herself (you did great, Lynn).

Ken started off his new school with, on a very optimistic note. Good luck, Ken.

Amy K. is deep into blogging with her students. And it has been a learning experience for everyone.

Cynthia bravely pushes herself and her students into new terrain. She may be swamped but I suspect it is worth it in the end, right?

Mr. Mansour … I hope you are feeling better. There is nothing worse than the rapid spread of illness in the classroom and at home. Drink fluids, man, drink fluids … and get some rest.

And here is a slightly late entry from Bonnie, as she thinks about spring.

Peace (in networks),

PS — I tried to find photos that would emotionally connect with the words, with mixed results. Sorry if the picture background befuddles you. But I did try. Here is my own day:


here are all of the photos as a slideshow:

  1. Oh, I get it! At first I didn’t understand the comment you made about my sentence – when I saw your Tweet about Day in a Sentence, thought you were challenging everyone to make a pic-lit. I didn’t realize you’d made them all. I agree with Mary, the matchups you made of pics and sentences were lovely. It’s a great site – it was fun to try. You always come up with something interesting! Good sentence week.

    • I know … but you did a great job and made my job a bit easier, Lynn.
      I want to use PicLits with my students when we do Haikus. Seems perfectly suited for that, don’t you think?

  2. Sorry I missed DIAS. Catch you next week.

    Question: what’s the url for your wiki dictionary? On Tuesday I’ll be introducing wikispaces to the 4th grade teachers in my grant and would love to show some elementary school examples.

  3. Wow! These are really cool! Yet another great Web tool I’ve been introduced to by you, Kevin. 🙂 Sorry I didn’t get to participate this week. Here’s a sentence:

    After talking my husband into taking his guitar to the local Open Mic Friday night, my parents agreed to keep the kids, and we made a night of it; we played four originals and one cover and had a great time after not having hung out in town in, oh, about four years.

  4. Fun week of sentences. Unfortunately, I spoke too soon. The answer whenever I ask about how much longer until the kitchen is done, is 3 weeks. I do think we’re in the last week now but I thought that last week too.

  5. hi Kevin and thanks for constantly using different software and styles to the day in a sentence. It gives me inspiration and the desire to try out new ways of presenting work as well. I am sorry I did not join in as I seemed to spend most of the week on an airplane and then had to return to the beginning of school, in scorching heat – the longest heatwave on record for our state. Will catch you next week.

  6. I just found that PicLits website a few days ago but hadn’t yet seen your thrust this week. I do enjoy the various challenges you have from week to week. It stimulates the brain and causes would-be writers to try something new. Keep it up!

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