Slice of Life/Day in a Sentence (the month begins)

I am once again taking part in the month-long Slice of Life Challenge with Two Writing Teachers (now, many hands on deck), and as usual, I am starting the month of March, as many do, wondering how in the world am I going to write a Slice each day?

I mean, I write every day.

But I’ve been mostly writing my poems and doing art/creative stuff with DS106 and skipping Saturdays and doing only photographs for Silent Sundays.

But … I remembered another project a long time back … Day in a Sentence … it, too, was a friendly challenge for teachers to write, but to do so by writing a summary of an entire day, in one single sentence.

So, I figure, why not combine the two concepts on some (but maybe not all) days of the Slice of Life? I even still have the Day in a Sentence icon in my blog media bin.

How cool is that?

So, here is my Day in a Sentence for my first Slice of Life 2021:

Morning fog obscures the pre-dawn street, as the dogs — young, nearly always, leading old — just keep on pulling me forward into the day.

Peace (short but sweet),



  1. What an intriguing approach to the challenge. I love that those dogs are pulling you “forward into the day.” You’ve got some momentum going now! Happy slicing this month!

  2. You are always so inspirational to me as a writer and as a creator. I have been struggling with writing and creating during the past months . Hopefully the next weeks will rejuvenate us all.

  3. Day in a sentence might be even more of a challenge than writing a slice a day. It’s never about the number of words. It takes thought and craft to write short and meaningful.

  4. Your posts always make me think. Those dogs are a good balance for each other and good metaphors for how I feel most days!

  5. I LOVE the idea of a day in a sentence…I will need to work to stay concise so I might start with Day In a Sentence once or twice a week….but I look forward to reading yours!

  6. Here’s how I calculate the situation… Practiced poet’s creativity + Day in a sentence = recipe for month of surprising slices

  7. Kevin, what a lovely image! I am a dog enthusiast, and this image of dogs leading each other shows their zest for life – – the feeling of diving in and taking in every possible sniff, breath, step, wag toward living life to its fullest.

  8. It may be short and sweet, but I know it is not always easy to be so concise! I’m teaching a minilesson on dashes next week. May I borrow this as an example to share with my students?

  9. Kevin, I love the way you just gave permission to participate in a way that makes sense with the rest of your life. I, too, am wondering how I will squeeze in this daily writing. But, like you, I will. I love the morning image!


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