Generative AI Presentation 2: School Libraries and ELL Students

This summer, I have been doing a handful of workshops with educators on the topic of Generative AI. A few weeks ago, for example, I visited the Summer Institute for the Western Massachusetts Writing Project and facilitated a fascinating inquiry into the rise of AI in education.

This week, I worked with a group of school librarians, exploring what Generative AI is, some ways that school librarians might consider platforms like ChatGPT and Bard and others, and a focus on how to reach and support English Language Learners (a focus of the week-long professional development – led, in part, by my wife –  I was invited to present at).

I’ve been trying to open these sessions with impressions of educators, and in this case, I used Answer Garden (I was presenting remote) and, as in past sessions, the responses are interesting, running the gamut from alarm to interest.

School Librarians: Impressions of AI

View the basic presentation in full-screen mode.

Next week, I will be presenting to a similar group, also of school librarians, with a focus on the ethical considerations of AI, policies for schools and classrooms, and how AI could support students with learning disabilities (the focus of that week’s PD with librarians).

I am no expert in AI, by any means, but I am finding my deeper personal inquiry into these platforms is helpful for other educators, and I am enjoying the explorations of this new emerging world with others. And I am trying to work into these sessions opportunities for colleagues to play, explore, learn, and reflect — even if they don’t think they will be tapping into AI anytime soon (for a variety of reasons — privacy, access, age, etc), it’s important to have a basic grasp on what’s happening in the field of Artificial Intelligence — for our students surely have some knowledge, if not experience, themselves.

Peace (and presentations),

  1. Cannot recommend enough what Paul Allison is doing with YouthVoices, NowComment and AI. Last night’s TTT is giving me much pause….but in a good way.

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